UBC FPP Fossil Fuel Free Equity and Bond Fund will be available on April 1, 2020

We are pleased to announce that due to sufficient interest from members, the UBC FPP Fossil Fuel Equity and Bond Fund will be available online at mysunlife.ca/ubcfpp beginning on April 1, 2020 at 5 a.m. PT.  Starting April 1, members can make investment allocations as well as allocate ongoing contributions to the fund through the member website.

Please note the following:

  • Financial change authorization forms that were previously received in our office by March 24 will be processed on April 1.
  • Any allocations made on April 1 to the UBC FPP Fossil Fuel Free Equity and Bond Fund will be shown in member transaction history details at mysunlife.ca/ubcfpp on April 2.

To learn more about the new UBC FPP Fossil Fuel Free Equity and Bond Fund as well as the Plan’s other investments options, view our Investment Options page.