Governance Policies & Documents

The following are policies and documents pertaining to the governance of the UBC Faculty Pension Plan.

Plan Text

The Plan Text outlines the provisions of the Faculty Pension Plan as regulated by the British Columbia Pension Benefits Standards Act and the Income Tax Act.

Governance Policy

The Governance Policy sets out the respective roles and responsibilities of the Board, the Executive Director, Pensions, the Executive Director, Investments, the Pension Administration Office, and the Plan’s third party record keeper, Sun Life. In addition to being administered in compliance with the British Columbia Pension Benefits Standards Act and the Income Tax Act, the Plan is to be administered in accordance with generally accepted pension governance standards.

Statement of Investment Policies & Goals

The Board of Trustees annually reviews a Statement of Investment Policies and Goals (the “SIP&G”) for the UBC Faculty Pension Plan. The SIP&G articulates the investment principles and guidelines which apply to the assets of the Plan. Each investment manager employed by the Plan must adhere to the guidelines in the SIP&G. It outlines permitted types of investments and the allocation of funds between different asset classes. It also outlines how the Plan monitors performance of the investment managers.

Communication Strategy

The Communication Strategy provides an overview of the approaches used by the UBC FPP to meet the communication needs of its stakeholders.