Leaves of Absence

Maternity / Parental Leave

If you are on maternity/parental leave, you have the option of maintaining pension contributions.

Can I contribute the same amount as I did prior to the leave?

Yes, if you elect to maintain your pension contributions at the full employee amount you were paying prior to your leave, the University will pay the full employer amount for both the paid and unpaid (if applicable) portion of the leave.

Can I contribute less?

Yes, you can contribute any smaller amount but the University will not make any contributions on your behalf.

Visit the Benefits coverage while on a Leave page for further information.

Study Leave

We recommend that you discuss the salary and benefit conditions for your study leave with your Faculty Administrator and/or Faculty Relations to ensure the proper paperwork, reflecting the terms of your leave, is submitted to payroll.

Unpaid Leave of Absence

If you are on an unpaid leave of absence, you have the option of maintaining pension contributions.

Can I contribute while on an unpaid leave of absence?

Yes, you can pay both the required employee and any unpaid required employer contributions to the Plan while on an unpaid leave of absence.

Can I contribute less?

Yes, you may also pay less than the required contributions. All contributions will be deposited to your Plan account and your taxable income will be reduced by the full amount.

Visit the Vacation & Leaves page for further information.

Income Replacement Plan (IRP)

For those members who have been approved for payment under the IRP Plan:

Do I contribute while on IRP?

No. While in receipt of income replacement benefits, pension contributions will continue to be made to your pension account from UBC’s insurance carrier at a rate of 15% of your pre-disability earnings.

Who can I contact for information?

Visit the UBC Income Replacement Plan Claims Process page for further information.

Sessional Employees Between Terms

Are you a sessional employee whose term is ending? If you would like to continue to contribute to the Plan during intersession you may do so.

How do I contribute?

Visit the Maintaining benefits for sessional lecturers between appointments page for further information.