Market Commentary

Market Commentary – First Quarter 2022

Both bond and stock markets started 2022 poorly, as investors began pricing in aggressive interest rate hikes in the face of rising inflation and slowing economic growth. As highlighted in previous commentaries, these trends were firmly in place towards the end of last year, but the military conflict in Europe has intensified price pressures and […]

Market Commentary – Fourth Quarter 2020

The fourth quarter of 2020 marked the reemergence of the equity bulls, as stock markets around the world accelerated to the upside starting in November. The timing was coincident with the announcement and expected rollout of several highly effective vaccine treatments for COVID-19, as well as renewed lockdowns and restrictions across many regions. Significant macroeconomic […]

Market Commentary – Third Quarter 2020

In the third quarter, economic activity bounced back forcefully from the record-breaking economic contractions the quarter earlier. Equity markets rallied alongside the improved economic data before correcting in September, as it became evident that governments globally were once again considering shutting down economies to combat the spread of COVID-19. Economic output remains far below that […]

Market Commentary – First Quarter 2020

The first quarter of 2020 started on a positive note with easing of trade tensions between the United States and China and geopolitical tensions between U.S. and Iran, but ultimately will be remembered for generations for the COVID-19 pandemic, the economic impact of government responses globally, and the record speed in which it negatively impacted […]