Mike Leslie, Executive Director, Investments will retire in January 2020. Mike joined the UBC Pension Administration Office in 2008 and during his time with the UBC Faculty Pension Plan (FPP) has made many contributions to the FPP, including advising and guiding the Board of Trustees on investment activities, monitoring the FPP’s investment performance and making recommendations, and supporting the leadership team of the UBC Pension Administration office. Mike also helped to bring a new investment option to the FPP, Guaranteed Funds, and was part of the team that helped engage Sun Life to provide the new recordkeeping platform for the FPP, resulting in increased administrative efficiencies, a robust member website and customized online tools for the FPP.
The Board of Trustees would like to thank Mike for his 12 years with the FPP and wish him the best in his retirement and new endeavours.
Kamila Giesbrecht has been hired as the new Executive Director, Investments and will be starting in January 2020.